Career is one of the most successful sharks in the sea of online dating, and we are looking for new talents to join our friendly and professional team. If youโ€™ve always wanted to help people fall in love and regain happiness, then we offer you a chance to put your skills to use. The positions that we offer are versatile so that you can find the one that suits you best. All it takes is to browse the position requirement and decide that youโ€™re more than fit for the job. Add in a little desire to grow and develop to the mix, and youโ€™re our perfect candidate!

What can we promise in return? You can surely count on the following:

  • Utterly friendly environment and comfy, working atmosphere
  • Uninterrupted and considerable workload
  • Pleasant financial reward for your effort
  • Exciting and interesting tasks to complete
  • Remote and part-time employment

Does it sound interesting? Find the best position youโ€™re willing to apply for!

UI/UX Designer (Freelance)

An experienced and goal-oriented designer with a taste for creativity will help the website improve. All it takes is 1.5โ€“2 years of experience in website design and a spark in the eyes to open the doors of possibilities.

A UI/UX designer will be responsible for:

  • UI design (Menus, buttons, widgets, etc.)
  • Mobile version enhancement or complete designing
  • Improved usability and enhanced assessment of the site
  • Prototype creation
  • Generation of fresh ideas for the project managers to improve the design

Make sure that your CV includes the following:

  • Website design experience of 1.5โ€“2 years
  • Advanced knowledge of Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketch
  • Shared experience of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Skills of prototyping with Axure, Framer, Adobe XD, etc.
  • Complete portfolio with links to your designing projects

Creative Writer (Freelance)

Talented and creative, let alone experienced, writers wanted! If you have at least 2 years of related experienceโ€”our team welcomes you to join the ranks! You donโ€™t need any previous online dating writing experience to be welcomed into the team.

A writer would be responsible for:

  • Shared cooperation with the team of writers
  • Creation of impressive and unique content on the subject of online dating
  • Online dating industry in-depth analysis and information generation
  • Content structuring according to pre-defined requirements
  • Editorial feedback provision
  • Embracing the requested writing style and editorโ€™s input assessment

Writerโ€™s skill necessary:

  • Native speaker or Advanced English speaker
  • 2 years of academic, technical, or creative writing
  • Basic knowledge of the HTML
  • Attention and responsibility with strict deadlines
  • Team spirit
  • High-quality content creation

Editor (Freelance)

The team of our expert editors looks for a fellow editor with excellent command of English, Advanced level or higher. Related 1 year of editorial experience necessary. Related experience of content creation or editing in the online dating industry isnโ€™t mandatory yet desirable.ย ย 

An editor will be responsible for:

  • Material proofreading, which includes spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors detection
  • Detailed reports and corrections provided to the writers directly
  • Content re-writing and readability enhancement
  • Content re-organization with text, images, and required information provided when necessary
  • Content analysis required for all the information to be correct and up-to-date
  • Assigning writers with tasks
  • Assessing tasks of the writers
  • Setting and meeting deadlines

Requirements for an editor:

  • Text editing experience
  • SEO process experience
  • Enhanced proofreading skills
  • Written content evaluation skills
  • Constructive feedback provision
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office and related editing software
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize
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