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Filipino Mail Order Bride: How Can a US Guy Marry Pinoy Brides In 2024?

Filipino Mail Order Bride: How Can a US Guy Marry Pinoy Brides In 2024?

Are Filipino girls driving you crazy? You probably believe it’s impossible to marry a girl from faraway Asia if you’re from the US. Or maybe your friends told you so. Nonsense! What century are we living in? 

Lucky for you, Filipina brides are eager to flee their motherland and find a husband abroad. Let’s learn how a foreign guy can find, meet, approach, and legally marry a Philippines girl for marriage!

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We gathered this piece based on our own experience and using authoritative resources. You can use our dating tips to really spark a Philipino bride! 

Some statistics and facts about Philipino brides

Let’s start grasping the unusual Pinoy brides with overal stats. Here are just a few for you to get the Philippino mentality:

Fertility rate


Spoken languages

<philipino, english<=”” p=””> </philipino,>

English proficiency level


Popular sectors of employment for women

Retail, motor vehicles repair

Average age to be married


Legal age



Roman Catholic

Attitude towards foreigners

Very curious and hospitable

How to approach

Be laidback and kind

Who are those Pinoy brides?


How do we describe a Pinay girl in a few words? Petite, energized, chatty. But is it enough for you to go and date her? Certainly not! Let us give you just a tad more:

  • Philipino brides are incredibly socialized. They’re in touch with their friends and relatives 24/7, if not offline—then online. It’s so easy to get along with a local girl!
  • Filipina mail order brides are party animals. They adore hanging out in nightclubs or just spending time in their large malls.
  • Women from the Philippines are fatalistic. This is more about their mentality—being content till you’re alive and never wasting your time on things you can’t change.
  • Philipino girls love foreigners and basketball. You’ve got us right: NBA merch is at the top of popularity, and the desire to meet a foreign friend (or partner) has become the local fashion.

Why do men choose Philippine women?

Philippine brides are like hot pies among Western men – they hunt for them here and there, but why? Here are the answers.

Filipina girls are super feminine

These girls have a very strong feminine aura, that lures in all kinds of men. How do you think Enrique Iglesias came into this world? It’s all because his father, Spanish singer Julio Iglesias couldn’t stand the feminine charms of Enrique’s future mother – Philippine star and magazine journalist, beautiful Isabel Preysler. If you want a woman who is delicate and pretty, date a Filipina bride.

They cherish family values

Most of the Philippine people are Catholics, therefore, they hold very strong traditional views on family. So fo Filipina girls. They are open-minded, ready to date, yet, they aspire to create families and play conventional roles. They make perfect wives and are fantastic at parenting. That’s why men often prefer marrying Philippine mail order brides rather than their European or American counterparts.

Philippine girls are flirty

Even though Philippine male order brides are feminine and cute, they’re also flirty. It’s easy to hit on them as they are used to guys’ attention and know how to react to it properly. If you are looking for a woman who would turn you on, who would spice up your life and make you feel playful, marry a girl from the Philippines.

How much is to buy a Filipina bride?

To legally marry a Philippines girl for marriage you have to “buy” her first. That implies finding a girl on a dating site and then spending time with her offline. After that, you apply for the K-1 and spouse, and voila—a Filipina mail order bride is now your legal wife. Check out the prices briefly:

Dating website fees

$300 for three months.

Presents and gifts ordering

$500 for one gift.

Arranging a date via the website


Here we calculated for you avaraige cost of Thai romance tour.

Tickets booking for two ways


Accommodation for two weeks




Dating activity (restaurants, cafes, adventures)


And here you can see the average Thai wedding ceremony cost and visa expenses for your fiance.

Wedding ceremony cost 


K-1 visa cost


Spouse visa cost


The total of all expenses

$5,410 ($4,410 if excluding wedding)

What do Philippine women look like?

The appearance of Philippine mail order brides is one of their greatest advantages. Even though it’s not the most important part of a relationship, Western men can’t help but fall for the beauty of these ladies.

They are beauty queens

Philippine mail order brides, as we have mentioned at the beginning of this review, are the winners of the major beauty pageants. It’s so easy for them to charm the entire world! That’s because all Philippine women are naturally beautiful, and they know it. They don’t need tons of makeup to show that. They are who they are. Queens.

Philippine girls are thin

Most Filipinas are slim and toned, that’s how they naturally are and what the society expects them to be like. They aren’t usually tall, rather the middle height and short, and have hourglass body shape usually. So these girls work out, eat healthy, and thanks to this also age very well. You will never guess the genuine age of a Filipina lady, they often look 10 years younger than they are.

They have exceptional facial features

Philippine women usually have tanned or fair complexion, wide cheekbones, Eastern narrow eyes with charming black eyelashes, flat or short cute noses, plump red lips and astonishing snow-white smiles. Their eyes are typically very dark, and if you keep staring at them for more than 30 seconds, you will drown in them, believe us. Filipina girls are too beautiful to be true!


What are Philippine brides like?

Philippine brides aren’t empty beautiful shells. They have profound personalities, amusing traits and are a kind of girls who care about their dignity. Let’s see what’s so special about Philippine male order brides features that attract men.

They follow a simple lifestyle

Filipinas aren’t girls who would chase after expensive and even luxurious gifts, lifestyles and so on. You can’t buy them with that. Simplicity is the core for them in everything – in the way they dress, the way they talk, spend money, etc. Of course, some Philippine ladies love fancy clothes and makeup, but on a greater scale, it’s less common. They aren’t very demanding when it comes to needs and expectations.

Philippine brides are family-oriented

There’s nothing better for a Filipina woman to be among her closest relatives. A typical Philippine girl creates strong bonds with them, loves spending quality time with them, cooking and chit-chatting. You may think that this will become an issue in the future – that your Filipina wife will prioritize her family over you or so – but you’re wrong making this assumption.

The fact that Filipinas are family-oriented is good news. It means they will put all efforts into creating a strong and stable family with you – just like the one where they grew up. They will make sure their husband and kids get all the love and care. Moreover, your Philippine wife will be very respectful of your relatives too.

Filipinas are smart and clever

These ladies are born smart. They are capable of making decisions for themselves, they are eager to pursue a good education and career. Philippine girls are also flexible. They effortlessly adjust to challenges, various life situations and hand things well both on a physical and emotional level.

They usually make wives who you can’t ask for advice, who are wise and very reflective. On top of everything, Philippine women are hard-working. Although they’re intelligent, they don’t take this for granted and keep developing their skills and deepening their knowledge. If you want to be with this type of a woman, start browsing Philippine mail order bride sites now!


Why do Philippine girls become mail order brides?

Statistically, there are fewer women than men in the Philippines. Yet, Filipinas lack marriage material guys. Check out three main reasons why Philippine women become mail order brides.

  1. Filipinas are tired of babaeros. Babaeros in the Philippines are womanizers, men who flirt with everyone around, catcall, devalue women and are never really interested in serious relationships. They somehow are similar to machos in Latin America, for who sexual adventures are more important than feelings. Unfortunately, there are many men like this in the Philippines. Tired of useless wooers, Filipinas start considering alternatives.
  2. They want to have freer relationships and fewer restrictions. The Philippines is a Roman Catholic country. Religion plays a huge role here, so it’s one of the few countries where divorce is still illegal. If a Filipina marries the wrong man, she will have to suffer till the end of her life. Of course, women in the Philippines don’t want this. They want fair marriage, where – whatever negative happens – a woman will still have the right to leave and have a better life. Also, society puts too much pressure on Filipinas, they have to comply with the gender roles. Filipina brides believe things are better in the West, and they are right.
  3. Filipinas long for true feelings and commitment. Western men are known to be more respectful towards women as well as more romantic. Philippine mail order brides want this. They want true commitment and don’t want to be cheated. Because, as we have mentioned, divorce is illegal in their country, men often cheat on their wives when they get bored with them. Filipinas don’t deserve such approach and go for foreigners.

What makes Philippine girls desirable wives?

  • They are family-centered
  • They are humble and follow a simple lifestyle
  • Philippine girls are great cooks
  • If they love someone, they will create strong bonds with them
  • They are wise and are capable of making own decisions
  • They are never boring and can remain flirtatious with their husbands even years after the wedding
  • A husband is a center of the universe for Philippine women
  • They cater to those who they love
  • They are very emotional and sensual (but not in public)

How to date a Filipina?

Dating a Philippine bride is a blessing – it will be one of your best experiences ever. If you want her to fall for you and say «yes» to your marriage proposal one day, do these things:

  1. Be yourself. If you’re much older than a Philippine mail order bride, don’t panic. It’s very common for girls in this country to date older men. It will even be your advantage over immature guys.
  2. Respect her religious beliefs. Most Filipinas are Roman Catholic, few are Muslim, but no matter what – never mock her religion, and be patient with her choices. Religion is the core for many people in the Philippines, you will have to accept it as given.
  3. Be generous. Even though Philippine girls aren’t very materialistic, they expect you to be a breadwinner (strong gender roles, remember?). If you want to impress her, give her gifts (a short note: Filipinas love shoes, purses and watches), flowers, pay in restaurants. It will show her that you have serious intentions and is capable of providing for the future family.
  4. Be kind towards her family. Close relatives are everything to Philippine women. If you want to win her heart, show respect to her family.

What will your life be like with a Philippine wife?

  • Your family and friends will become hers and vice versa
  • You will be astonished by how much your Philippine wife will adore your children
  • You will both hang out at home a lot (home buddies, you know)
  • She will teach you how to hunt for sales and be wise in shopping
  • She will shock you with her time management skills, you will learn a lot from her
  • Your Filipina wife will make your house look adorable, clean and neat
  • You will trust her guts: if she tells you you are wrong, she’s right
  • You will rely on her when it comes to managing family finances
  • She will show you extraterrestrial love

Top myths about Philippine brides debunked

It is no doubt that Filipinas are some of the most desirable women on earth. Many myths revolve around them, as it is natural for popular personalities. Here we are going to deflate the most known ones.

Myth #1. Philippine women are gold-diggers

If you have heard this about Philippine girls, we are sure it was somewhere in night clubs or pubs. These are the places where flirtatious girls «hunt» rich white men. You need to understand that in every nation there are materialistic women (as well as men). But it’s a small percentage of all.

Genuine Philippine mail order brides (those women who have announced they are serious about potential marriage with foreigners) aren’t like that. They want to enter a fair relationship based on true feelings. They seek a love marriage, not money marriage.

Myth #2. They will never show their feelings to you

Philippine girls are shy to express their feelings in public. They may not kiss you or hug you in the streets, and that’s all because of the society where they grew up. Philippine people are devoted Catholics, that’s why. However, if you spend more time with your Filipina bride in private, you will see how much affectionate and emotional she is. She will cater to you and be very sensual.

Myth #3. Philippine girls aren’t faithful

«She will cheat on you!» Shout haters. Haters are there to hate, they are just jealous you are or may be dating a stunningly beautiful Philippine woman.

Undoubtedly, there are unfaithful Filipinas who cheat on their husbands, but that’s because they are unhappy in the marriage and because their country doesn’t allow them to divorce. Real Philippine mail order brides have a different mindset.

They want to abstain from such destiny and look for a foreign husband. Why would she cheat on you if she truly loves you, and even if she gets bored – can divorce you? So the third myth doesn’t make sense when it comes to Philippine mail order brides.


How to find a mail order bride from the Philippines?

You may assume you would need to travel to the Philippines to find the love of your life, or surf through millions of Philippine girls profiles on Facebook to find the one and only, isn’t it so?

Finding a Filipina for dating is a no brainer. All you need to do is to register on a trustworthy Philippine mail order bride site – it is the most efficient and the cheapest option for you as a foreigner. Follow these tips to succeed in your love searches:

  1. Read all possible reviews of Filipina mail order bride sites
  2. Choose the most suitable platform for you and create a profile for free
  3. Get the membership and start browsing through Philippine brides profiles
  4. Approach as many girls as you can and stay in touch with them
  5. Narrow down your choice of Philippine girls – dedicate most of your time to your special one
  6. Call her through the site to hear her voice
  7. Use video calls to get familiar with her body language
  8. If things go well, set up an offline date in the Philippines (girls don’t risk traveling to unknown men abroad)
  9. If she’s the one and you want to marry her, meet her parents

As simple as that!


Philippine women are some of the most beautiful in the world. They are naturally charming and attractive. Moreover, they possess all the necessary features for perfect wives. They are tender, affectionate and very caring. Once you marry a Filipina girl, your life will get a fresh coat of paint. So find your lady on a professional Philippine mail order bride site now!

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